

Music Ministries

"God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises."- Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, paragraph 1

Among the many signs and symbols used by the Church to celebrate its faith, music is of preeminent importance. As sacred song, united to the words, it forms an integral part of solemn liturgy.-Music in Catholic Worship paragraph 23.

For more information, please contact Veronica Fregoso - Director of Liturgy & Music, or call the parish office. 

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir provides musical leadership usually at the 10:30 AM liturgy throughout the year from September through Pentecost. We are made up of several members providing a wide-range of choral music from Gregorian Chant to present day compositions. The Adult Choir also provides musical leadership at special times of the year such as Christmas, Holy Week, and the annual Day of Remembrance.  We are always looking for new members! 


Children's Choir

The children's choir provides musical leadership at one liturgy per month from October through May. The times of liturgy vary so that the entire parish may experience leadership from the youngest members of Music Ministry. This choir is open to children from grades 1 through 5.

Parents, please encourage your children!


Cantors are trained singers who lead the congregation's sung-prayer in the absence of a choir. The ability to read music is very helpful and desirable. The parish cantors assist at all weekend, holiday, funeral and wedding liturgies throughout the liturgical year.  If you have a beautiful voice, our congregation would love to hear it!


Instrumentalists are always welcomed throughout the year. They add an extra level of beauty to music. Do you play piano, violin, flute, or guitar? We'd love for you to join us!  We usually have instrumentalists for Christmas and the Holy Week celebrations. If you play an instrument proficiently, please consider sharing your talents! 

Liturgical Ministries

In addition to the primary ministries of Church and assembly at Sunday Eucharist, there are other ministries - Lectors/Readers, Alcolyte/Server, Ushers/Greeters - Hospitality Ministers, extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Environment, etc., that are necessary to help the celebrating assembly do its job. The specific contribution of each individual ministry is unique and valuable. For more information, please contact the parish office. 


At Mass, a Lector is the person who proclaims the first and second reading.  Also, this person leads the Prayers of the Faithful.   

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion share the bread and wine at Mass, as well as themselves, with each person who approaches them. This ministry is one of hospitable personal presence, in service to the celebrating assembly. These ministers work hard to make the moment of communion an experience of full presence, remembering that sacraments are not things. They are personal actions of all who celebrate.

Lay Presiders of Prayer

As Christians we are called to praise God, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to love one another. Because of our baptism, we have both the privilege and the responsibility to minister according to our talents. All gifts are given for the good of the entire parish community. Lay people now preside at many liturgical services including: Ash Wednesday services, communion services, committal rites, etc. 


In the early years of the Church, people helped priests in many ways. Some of them helped at the celebration of the eucharist. These people were sometimes called "Acolytes." The word "Acolyte" derives from the Greek term, Akolouthos, which means server, companion, or follower.  Servers assist the priest at the altar and help the congregation to pray. Serving at liturgy is open to ALL from 4th grade through adulthood. 

Ministers of Hospitality

This term now is used to describe the ministry of usher/greeter. The ministry of hospitality is one of joy, hospitality and care. The most fundamental mode of Christ's presence at Liturgy is in the assembly itself. Hospitality at worship is an expression of reverence for the presence of Christ in each member of the assembly. The ministers of hospitality are called upon to set the example of hospitality for the rest of the assembly. 

Ministers of Art/Environment

These are the people who help decorate the church environment throughout the year.  Tasks include: Hanging banners, setting up Christmas trees, flower arrangements on the alter, etc.

Outreach Ministries

Food Pantry - For more information, please contact the parish office.

St. Roman's food pantry is an outreach ministry that provides supplemental food to those people that qualify and live in one of the following zip codes: 53220, 53221 and 53207. Our pantry is staffed by dedicated volunteers - but are always looking for help!  Each client may visit the pantry once a month. The food we provide comes from the generous donations of our parishioners and our partnership with Hunger Task Force.