Online Resources

News from the Vatican: Vatican News

News from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops: USCCB

Archdiocese of Milwaukee: Diocese of Southeastern Wisconsin

Catholic Hearald: Newspaper Website


Other Helpful Links for Families & Parishoners

  1. Code of Ethical Standars for Leaders: http://www.archmil.org/Resources/Code-Ethical-Standards-Leaders.htm
  2. Alcohol and Substance Abuse: http://youth.gov/youth-topics/substance-abuse
  3. State of Wisconsin Mandated Reported Training: http://wcwpds.wisc.edu/mandatedreporter/
  4. Catholic Charities: http://www.ccmke.org/
  5. Mental Health: http://www.redgen.org/
  6. Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safeguarding of all Children: https://www.archmil.org/archmil/Offices/Safe-Environment.htm
  7. Safe Internet Education for Parents: https://www.netsmartz.org/Parents